About Us & What We Do

Rural Women Network (RWN) is an inclusive platform of women with an aim to empower the grassroot rural women smallholder agricultural producers in Kenya. 

The network strives to empower women to take charge, build and restore their livelihoods through capacity building and enterprise development.

It empowers both rural and peri-urban women to take an active role in family, community abd system-wide decision-making processes.

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Rural Women Network will continue to push her objectives of elevating the lives of grassroots women in Kenya

But we’re not done yet. We need your help.

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We appreciate all the help we can get. Every cent will greatly fuel our efforts and transform the lives of countless people

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Our Events

We have different events planned out through the year.
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663 million people drink dirty water. Learn how access to

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Our Awards.

Rural Women Network (RWN), was among other awardees of GRP, CJRF and ICCCAD who were considered to implement a project titled; ‘Grassroots Women-led Resilient Livelihood Practices and Climate information learning Center’. RWN planned to establish the Grassroot Women Resilience and Livelihoods Development Center in Kajiado county in the Eastern rangelands in Kenya.

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