We are an inclusive platform of women with an aim to Empower the grassroot rural women smallholder agricultural producers in Kenya.

Our Vision

A distinguished network positioning rural women and girls as equal citizen in economic, political, and social sustainable development of their communities.

Our Mission

To build the capacity of rural grassroot women on Climate Smart and Conservation Agriculture, mitigate food, nutrition and economic security and enhance livelihoods. We seek to address sustainable production in the face of climate change. 

Our Background

A little history about the organisation

Rural Women Network started its activities in 2010 and was officially registered in 2011. Our goal is to give a platform which will amplify and give visibility to Grassroot women who include; rural women smallholder agriculture producers, Indigenous women, Widows, Elderly and Community Health Volunteers.

We endeavour to increase productivity, enhance livelihoods, promote climate smart agriculture and mitigate food , nutrition and economic
security and resilience under the realities of climate change and give care to the vulnerable within our communities.

The network was also formed to strengthen the participation of grassroots women smallholder farmers in local, national and global debates on food and agriculture and to better understand global policy frameworks which impact on them. We realize most times rural grassroot women are left behind in this aspect
and we strive to leave no woman behind. Rural women are powerful partners in
implementing these global policy frameworks. We need to unleash their full
potential which will enable them to participate effectively in sustainable
development by positioning themselves in decision making.

It is not enough to sit at the decision-making table but also to participate and engage. This will translate in reduction of poverty, hunger and malnutrition and halting environmental degradation as is defined in the Agenda 2030 -Sustainable Developmental Goals- Goal 1-No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero hunger, Goal 5 Gender equality, Goal 10 Reduced inequalities Goal,13, Climate Action and Goal 15-
Life on land. Most of these goals are also pentagon goals and drive the agenda.

Our Team

It allows you to gather monthly subscriptions from fans to help fund your creative projects. They also encourage their users to offer rewards to fans as a way to repay them for their support.

William Khanna

CEO & Founder

Mr. Aladin

General Manager

Zummon Khan


Harista Pro


Our Achievements

We have implemented projects in;


Climate smart agriculture through rain water and runoff water harvesting, establishing kitchen and Storey gardens, creating awareness on zero tillage practices and farm forests in Eburu/Mbaruku ward Gilgil sub- county Nakuru county..​


Economic empowerment by establishing of dairy goat farming, bee keeping, seed bulking and poultry rearing in Limuru sub-county Kiambu County


Climate change awareness through climate justice mapping Kajiado West​


Awareness on agenda 2030 by localization of SDGs. Communities need to align their work to the SDGs so that they can appreciate the goals and achieve them by 2030.-Kajiado -West


Peer to Peer Learning-Kajiado County​


Model Plot for African Leafy vegetables-Kajiado West​

Our Partnerships

We have implemented projects in;

Climate change and establishment of Grassroot Resilience & Livelihoods Centre

Overview of the efforts we've made

We have established a Grassroots Women Resilience and Livelihoods Center in Ewuaso Kendong and intend to establish more Grassroots Women Resilience Centers (Green Hubs) in 10 wards in 4 counties. The centers will be a one stop farm set up by grassroots women where they will disseminate climate solutions on community adaptation and resilience practices such as soil and water conservation, conservation agriculture, integrated soil fertility management and pest control. The centers will be a platform for food security where women will use the same technologies to grow and sell vegetables, fruits, establish tree nurseries and fodder. The grassroots women will produce liquid fertilizers that are chemical free to use and sell to the community. The learning centers lay the foundation for these strategies that focus on these themes, Innovation for adaptation, partnership that will drive community led adaptation. Nature-based solutions-Local communities driving Nature Based Solutions, Youth inclusion-our centers will include youth as decision makers The center also relates to SDG 1 No Poverty. SDG 2 Zero Hunger. SDG3 Good health and well being. SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 13 Climate Action Grassroots women do not own land, lack access to formal resources and training by the government. Climate change impacts have created challenges for grassroots women smallholder farmers and posed serious impediments to building their resilience. Biodiversity loss as a result of increasing land degradation will further aggravate the climate crises. Grassroots communities working at the local level will be the worst affected because of an increase in their household food and livelihoods insecurity

Our Goals

Goal 1: To build grassroots women farmers capacities in sustainable agriculture practices.

Goal 2: To facilitate grassroots women farmers’ access to climate information for informed agricultural decisions making lack of sufficient production knowledge of the food grown in rural communities denies the grassroots women the potential of providing sufficient nutritious food. It is a health hazard and requires attention. Grassroots Women risk vulnerability mapping report for Kakamega in 2009 indicated that most families lived on one meal per day. This mapping was contacted in 10 wards of Kakamega County to ascertain how climate change was affecting grassroots women. Food security and nutrition continues to pause a big threat in most families and community in rural communities in Kenya and Africa at large. Grassroots Women from rural communities depend on their own grown food Grassroots women have a versed Knowledge, which they use to build resilience in their homes. This knowledge includes information on sustainable farming practices that reduce the negative implications of change, enhance food security and strengthen livelihood. However, the grassroots Women do not have well-established learning centers to consolidate this knowledge to advance adaptation.

Our Awards.

Rural Women Network (RWN), was among other awardees of GRP, CJRF and ICCCAD who were considered to implement a project titled; ‘Grassroots Women-led Resilient Livelihood Practices and Climate information learning Center’. RWN planned to establish the Grassroot Women Resilience and Livelihoods Development Center in Kajiado county in the Eastern rangelands in Kenya.

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